Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sites Around Perth

We want to share with you some of the scenic sites around Perth .
The Mission President has assigned us to attend the Doubleview Ward for church activities. After attending several times, we discovered why they call it Doubleview. As we left the Sunday meetings, walking toward the parking lot, we looked out toward the southeast and saw this amazing view of downtown Perth.

Later a member of the ward explained why it is called Doubleview. If you turn around to the west, you have the second view…the Indian Ocean . We haven’t yet found just the right view for this picture.

Several weeks later, we drove up the coast, viewing the beaches. We had heard about Hillarys, a large boat harbor with shopping and food courts. We made several stops along the coast highway, enjoying the view and the beautiful “winter” weather.

At one stop, we noticed a large rock formation that looked like a shipwreck.

Last Friday afternoon we attended zone conference in Thornlie (about 30 minutes south of Perth ). DeVon has always wanted to drive at high speeds and he was even able to legally travel up to 100 (kilometers per hr). On the way back Judi talked DeVon into getting off the freeway (outside his comfort zone) and see the nightlife in Perth, which is only open late on Friday nights. DeVon kept taking the wrong exit (three times) causing us to double back, right along the Swan River . The view was so beautiful that Judi took a picture right out the car window.

We have gotten into the habit of taking a picnic lunch to enjoy on Sundays following church. We try to choose various locations to enjoy while having our lunch. Jackadder Lake has become a favorite and is very close to the Doubleview Chapel. Many of their lakes have walking trails around them. Jackadder also has 6 or 8 activity areas along their trail where they have installed colorful exercise equipment which is used by young and old alike. 

Last Sunday we discovered another lake, which is actually a reclaimed swamp area. Herdsman Lake is quite large and famous for its “black swans” which are one of the symbols of Western Australia . Today, Sunday, we did catch a quick glimpse of some black swans while driving, but not where we could stop and get a picture. Winter has truly hit here, which means we have had lots and lots and lots of rain for the last three days, and colder temperatures.

We will try to get some pictures of the black swans in future visits (and sunny weather) at the lake.

We love the unique malls here in the suburbs of Perth . This mall is entirely underground, with parking tents being the only portion visible above ground. We found this candy shop and had to share this taste of their British heritage with you.

We are really enjoying our work here, and as you can see, we are truly taking advantage of every opportunity to see the sites. We try to include our sightseeing attempts during our assigned travels, to keep our mileage (as well as the cost of gas!) down. Hopefully, sharing our adventures makes you feel closer to us. We think of each of you often and include you in our prayers. Love to all, Elder and Sister Nielsen, Judi and DeVon, or just Mom and Dad.

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