Friday, January 7, 2011

Caversham Wildlife Park

We finally, after 7 months, got to see koalas and kangaroos, and just about every other unique Australian animal.  On the Monday after Christmas (the 27th) we went to Caversham Park for our “P” Day. We walked through beautiful gardens full of native Australian plantlife.

Both of us got to feed the kangaroos. Because of the extreme heat (over 100 degrees), all they wanted to do was sleep. 

We were thrilled to see a baby joey poke his nose and ears out from his mother’s pouch.

We took the opportunity to pose with a VERY LARGE wombat, especially for our Granddaughter, Brooke, because we had sent her a very small, stuffed wombat for Christmas along with the book “Diary of a Wombat” which she is learning to read all by herself.

***Brooke loved this picture so much, she took it to school with her to share with her class. Her teacher also read the book Diary of a Wombat to the class. Brooke LOVED it!! -Brea (Brooke's Mom)***

Next we saw a beautiful blue-winged kookaburra (who is NOT a laughing kookaburra).

THEN we went into the koala enclosure, for a hands-on experience with koalas. Since koalas are only awake about 4 hours a day, they were sleeping in the branches of the eucalyptus trees. We tried our best to wake them up but they were TOO SLEEPY.

It was another wonderful adventure Down Under!

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